Monday, 27 October 2014

How to make Jam on toast

what you need (equipment/materials):

Butter knife

A toaster

How to make it:

Step 1:
Get bread and put it into toaster.

Step 2:
Press button down and wait for toast to pop up.

Step 3:
Spread butter and jam onto toast with butter knife.

Now enjoy your yummy toast!

Monday, 13 October 2014

Welcome back to Term 4!

Don't underestimate, Always investigate
How can I be a sun smart scientist ?

This term in Inquiry we are learning about the sun. The sun is very hot and that is why we must wear our Sylvia Park School sun hats everyday.

We are doing so well with bringing our hats to school everyday.

We are learning to write Recounts in literacy, this week we are writing a Recount about Gymnastics. We have been doing Gymnastics in the hall every Monday with Flamineo.

Some of us are learning to sound out our hard words in Reading and some of us are learning to read like we are talking. We are really excited to be moving up to the top of the Reading Rocket!!!!!

In maths we have been learning about 'decomposing' numbers. What numbers are made up of? We write word stories about numbers and then write down all the basic facts that add to that number. We do this with a partner on our whiteboards.

Stay tuned to find out what other exciting things we are going to be doing this term in Room 4.

Sunday, 17 August 2014

Room 4's Assembly

In week one Room 4 was in charge of assembly for S.P.S.

Lots of us had different scripts that we had to read in front of the whole school, it was really scary!!!!

We shared lots of things that we have been learning about in Room 4. We got to show S.PS. our Inquiry video about 'Staying safe on the internet'.

Because we are learning about dance this term 'Step up, Step out,'...'Why dance?' We decided to kick off the term with our very own dance 'Despicable me flash mob dance'. Room 17 helped us during this dance as we only had a week to learn it!!!!

Here is a video of us doing the dance, we hope you enjoy it!!!

assembly dance from Esther Casey on Vimeo.

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Constable Tainas visit to SPS

On Monday Constable Taina came to visit the Kowhai cluster.

Taina talked to us about being good citizens.


Ben says 'Constable Taina told us to name all of our property'.

Blake says 'Constable Taina said we should all have a role model' - Somebody to look up to like your teacher.


Nadia says 'Taina told us to respect others'.

Mason says 'Taina told us that good citizens tell the truth'.

We really enjoyed having Constable Taina at our school and helping us to learn about being a good citizen.

Thursday, 15 May 2014

Get Set, GO!!!!


This week we have had some fun learning about balance!

Katie from the Get Set, Go programme taught us all about balance and what we have to do to balance our bodies.


Here are some pictures of Room 4 children balancing.

After learning to balance using our hands and arms to support us we played follow the leader!



We then played an exciting game with frogs and flies. The frogs had to jump over and onto the Lilly pads and the flies had to fly around. The frogs also had to catch the flies!!!
Finally we got to play one last game, the Pirate game! Some of us got to use swords to chop off our classmates legs! Then the person with the chopped off leg had to balance on one leg!

We really enjoyed our session with Katie and cannot wait to see her again next Thursday!


Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Term 2 Week 1

Kia Ora everybody!

Wow it has been an exciting time getting back into school routines and being back in the classroom.

This term in Inquiry we are learning about Citizenship!

Room 4 traced around our classmate Ben and then created a new classroom member Sully!
Here is a picture of us creating our new class citizen Sully.

We talked about citizenship and what a citizen is and came up with these fabulous ideas!

We have also been watching a movie called 'Despicable Me' and are looking at all of the characters in the movie.

Some of the characters were good cititzens and some of the characters were bad citizens. Mr Gru changed from being a bad citizen to being a good citizen.

Watch this space to find out more about what is happening in Room 4!